An asteroid enters Earth's atmosphere and burns up in the sky

asteroid enters Earth's atmosphere

Residents of southern England lived an exciting experience, when they watched with their own eyes a small asteroid entering the Earth's atmosphere, to burn in front of them and light up the sky in a unique scene. The asteroid, which was called "Sar2667", which is one meter long, was seen shortly before 3 am GMT on Monday morning.
And the European Space Agency considered that predicting in advance the asteroid’s entry into Earth’s atmosphere is “a sign of the rapid progress in global asteroid detection capabilities.” Earlier, the agency said that "the object is expected to collide safely" with the Earth's atmosphere, near the French city of Rouen.
In turn, the "International Meteor Organization", a non-profit organization based in Belgium, said that the object entered 4 kilometers from the French coast, and a fireball effect occurs. Many residents of southern England documented the unique event with their mobile phone cameras, and shared it on social media. .
A Twitter user said: "The asteroid lit up the sky with a pink flash. It was amazing." The last asteroid expected to enter Earth's atmosphere was seen in the sky over Ontario, Canada, in November last year. And in January, an asteroid the size of a minibus was on a direct collision course with Earth. Experts believe it likely disintegrated in the atmosphere before impact.

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