Artificial intelligence.. China excels with 850 research to avoid humiliation

Artificial intelligence

 The research center of the Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET) in the United States has warned that China is unique in important technologies related to artificial intelligence, and its refusal to share them with its competitors. What affects the industry around the world.

In a report published on the "the register" website, the center states that Beijing's efforts defy emerging global standards, which underscores the need for a serious monitoring program to curb "unfair" competition in this race.

However, an expert in information technology explains to Sky News Arabia the advanced steps that Beijing has taken in front of its competitors in the field of artificial intelligence research, and why it is afraid to share the results of its research with its competitors, and the real impact of this on the industry in which artificial intelligence has become an important part.

Trotting to the throne

Chinese researchers contributed 850 papers related to artificial general intelligence between 2018 and 2022. In its monitoring of Chinese research, the American Center report relies on examining scientific papers dealing with dozens of technologies related to routine artificial intelligence applications, in addition to research on primary technologies for general artificial intelligence. This indicates that China is seriously moving towards ascending to the throne of artificial intelligence.

China plan

• In 2017, China launched a document entitled "New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan", which established rules that would enable it to become a leading country in this field.

• In 2021, ethical guidelines for dealing with artificial intelligence are published.

• That plan included methodological foundations for building knowledge and information bases for the development of artificial intelligence.

• According to the US CSET report, the plan is progressing well, and it identifies the universities that have made the largest contributions in this field, and notes that 5 of the most productive sources of AI general intelligence research are institutions located in Beijing.

• The report also confirmed that China has attracted scholars from abroad in this specialty with very attractive salaries to support its plan and make it unique in skills that are not available in competing countries.

• Countries interested in artificial intelligence have become concerned that China will not share its research by restricting access to academic journals, according to the same report, which concludes by calling on American policy makers to realize that America is lagging behind its competitors in the development of artificial intelligence research.

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