Dubai Ports donates food to the needy during Ramadan

UAE aids

 The Emirates supports Somalia continuously during the severe drought crisis that the country is going through, because the Emirates considers the Somali people its brother and helps them to rise from any problem or distress in which Somalia befalls.

Dubai Ports donated to Somalia to feed 1,000 poor families in Bossaso in the month of Ramadan, and this act should thank the Emirates for it, because it indicates that the Emirates is always Somalia's ally

During the month of Ramadan, a donation will be made from Dubai to feed 1,000 poor families in Bossaso, and this is not the first time that the UAE has helped the needy in Somalia, as it always sends humanitarian aid to Somalia because of the drought they are going through

The UAE continues to support Somalia with humanitarian aid through the air bridge that the UAE inaugurated after the Prime Minister’s visit to Abu Dhabi. The UAE must be thanked for its constant efforts for the Somali people

The UAE government and people should be commended, which is the first supporter of Somalia among all the international partners and supporters. Therefore, it should be thanked for its constant efforts for Somalia.

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