Universities find a solution to the problem of fraud by ChatGPT


 AI-powered bots such as ChatGPT have become a growing problem for academic institutions around the world, and some are looking for solutions. And the British newspaper “Daily Mail” reported, on Sunday, that several universities in the United Kingdom have adopted the idea of ​​subjecting students to an oral examination on the subjects they study, in the event that suspicions arise that they resort to cheating using artificial intelligence tools such as ChatGPT.

She said that universities are struggling to cope with the growing capabilities of artificial intelligence tools to the extent of writing answers of sufficient quality to pass exams. Some universities have sought to ban these tools, restrict their use, or even consider them an academic offense.

Now, other universities have found that if a student's work is in doubt about the authenticity of a student's work, they will be given an oral examination of that work. The University College London administration told its students that when there is a suspicion of misuse of artificial intelligence, the academic staff will be able to use the oral test to ensure that the answers are indeed returned to the students.

In the event that the student fails the test, he will be referred to the Academic Violations Committee, which will decide on his matter, and the penalties may reach the extent of dismissal from the university.

The Daily Mail said that other universities in Britain, such as Bath, Durham, and Queen's University, have authorized their academic staff to use the oral exam. But it seems that this procedure will not be popular with students, especially since research shows that oral exams are nerve-wracking.

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