James Webb publishes a new image of the Ring Nebula

the Ring Nebula

 NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has published a new image of the famous Ring Nebula. This image comes after James Webb captured, earlier this month, unprecedented details of the Ring Nebula.

Space Explorer said that the new image was taken using the Near Infrared Camera (NIRCam), which is a special tool designed to capture images in the near infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum.

NIRCam is an integral part of the telescope, observing a wide range of celestial bodies, including galaxies, stars, planets and nebulae, with high precision.

Commenting on the image, NASA said on its official website: "When we first saw the image, we were amazed by the amount of detail in it." And she continued, "The ring (ring) nebula is an ideal target for revealing some of the mysteries of planetary nebulae."

The Ring Nebula is about 2,300 light-years away from Earth, which makes it visible with a telescope or even binoculars if excellent viewing conditions are available. This nebula is characterized by its distinctive eye-like appearance, which makes it a popular target for astrophotographers and astronomers.

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