A feature from Google Maps that allows you to track the whereabouts of friends

Google Maps

 The Google Maps service recently introduced a new feature for users to be able to track the whereabouts of people close to them, such as family members, but only with their permission. According to 9to9mac, which specializes in technical affairs, this user who activates this feature can receive notifications about the departure or arrival of his friends and family members to certain places.

The purpose of this service is to allow family members to be reassured, for example, for parents to follow up on their son, to find out whether he has gone to school or actually returned home. In the interest of users' privacy, no person can be tracked unless they directly agree to share information about their whereabouts.

In order to take advantage of this feature, the person to be tracked must have enabled the location feature on their device, i.e. they have turned on the GPS. To start viewing, the user should go to the “Google Maps” application on his smartphone, and then, he needs to type the location of the person he wants to track, but provided that he is someone who shares their location with you.

At this stage, a list will appear in front of the user, and he is required to write "Add" in a field called the "Notifications box". After that, the user can choose several sites, so that he receives notifications about them, whether when they are left by that person, or while they are arriving to them.

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