A new feature in iPhone 14 .. gives you a different interaction

iPhone 14

 The American company, "Apple", responded to the criticism of iPhone users, because of what is known as "notch", as it redesigned the top notch in its new phone, "iPhone 14", and named it "Dynamic Island". And Apple, at its annual party organized at its headquarters in California, last Wednesday, revealed a series of its new devices, including the “iPhone 14”.

And the American "Cnet" website said that the American company followed the approach of its South Korean competitor, "Samsung", and began to change the way the user interacts with his phone, and the first feature of this change is the "Dynamic Island" feature.

The feature aims to improve interaction with the new iPhone, by turning the top space into an active space rich with notifications and alerts, while using unique graphics, to create the illusion that the top notch is seamlessly transforming into different shapes, depending on the type of alert or activity. The source explains that this feature is also present in modern Samsung phones, but in a different way, as the goal is the ability to open multiple applications simultaneously on one screen.

For example, "Dynamic Island" can display, change, and pause the song you're listening to without having to go to the Music app, or answer an incoming call, while you're using another app. "With this change, we're rethinking how you interact with your iPhone," said Greg Joswiak, Apple's senior vice president of marketing.

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