A scientific breakthrough paves the way for solving the mystery of "baffling" black holes

black holes

 A recent study in the field of astrophysics has helped close to solving a "mysterious" and "puzzling" mystery about black holes in the universe, while scientists continue their efforts to learn more about them. According to scientific reports, physicists believe that there is a strange form of energy in black holes, which leads to an expansion of the universe.

The study, which was described as revolutionary, was conducted by an astronomy researcher at the University of Hawaii, Duncan Farah, and other researchers at prestigious scientific institutions. Astronomers have known since the 1920s that the universe is expanding, while it has been believed for decades that the pace of this expansion is slowing down.

Gravity brings things closer to each other, while the researchers believed that what is known as the "gravitational pull" has witnessed a significant decrease and decrease. But during the 1990s, thanks to the use of the Hubble space telescope by scientists, a discovery described as amazing was reached, and it turned out that the exact opposite was happening.

It was observed, at that time, that the farther an object is from us in the universe, the faster it moves away from us as well, indicating that the universe expands and expands with the passage of time. At that time, the researchers did not display "models" that explain the process, amid insufficient information about the "black energy" that pushes everything away, with an increasing speed.

Since that time, researchers have diligently sought to detect signs of that "black energy", based on the components found in it. In a recent study, an international team of scientists said they had found evidence of where that black energy is hiding in black holes.

Contrary to what we believed for decades, the study revealed that the void is not completely empty, while they worked to follow up the evolution that took place in black holes in the center of the universe, over a period of nine billion years.

And the size of these holes increased because they began to swallow dust, gas, stars, and other black holes, but in some galaxies, it was observed that some black holes of elliptical shape had retreated and decayed.

The researchers compared the sizes of those black holes in distant galaxies, as they were billions of years ago, on the one hand, and between the black holes closest to our galaxy, on the other hand. The study found that modern elliptical galaxies have increased in size by between 7 and 20 times, compared to what they were 9 billion years ago.

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