UN envoy praises progress in Puntland state

The Acting United Nations Envoy to Somalia, James Swan, visited Puntland State in northeastern Somalia.

UN envoy praises progress in Puntland state

 On Saturday, the Acting United Nations Envoy to Somalia, James Swan, visited Puntland State in northeastern Somalia and discussed with the head of the state, Said Abdullahi Deni, a range of local and national issues.

Swan praised the efforts of the authorities in Puntland to contain terrorist groups in the Berri region and calm tribal conflicts, and called for attention to renewed piracy incidents and the continuation of migration flows through the state. He welcomed the democratic experience in Puntland and the state's readiness to hold local elections in three districts in the Ngal region, including the capital, Growe.

The discussions between the international official and the President of Puntland touched on the ongoing campaign against the terrorist group Al-Shabaab, the constitutional reform process, and the upcoming electoral cycle, noting that Somalia has achieved tremendous progress in recent years, but he pointed to many challenges that still exist, stressing the need for cooperation. To get over it.

Swan explained that it is in the interest of the Somali people for the Somali leadership at the federal and regional levels to overcome any differences and find a way to work together. He said in his statements, “The efforts of the United Nations support the Puntland Development Plan, which in turn is in line with the Somali National Development Plan and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.”

“Humanitarian assistance provided through the United Nations includes broad support to address food insecurity, health needs, and the requirements of internally displaced persons, among many other activities,” he added, pledging the United Nations’ close commitment to working with President Deni and his government to support the progress of the people of Puntland and Somalia as a whole.

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