The Somali President holds a meeting with senior army officers

Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, held a meeting with senior army officers

 Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, held a meeting yesterday, Wednesday, with senior army officers at the Ministry of Defense in Mogadishu, hours after forces backed by American air support took control of several areas located between the cities of Kismayo and Afmaddo in Lower Jubba Governorate in Jubbaland State, south of the country.

President Mahmoud's office said in a statement issued on Thursday that military officials briefed the president on the recent military operations in Jubbaland state, which led to the expulsion of Al-Shabaab from areas under its control.

The military operation, which comes amid a cessation of the offensive in central Somalia for the first time in a decade, has succeeded in lifting the siege on the city of Afamdo in Jubbaland State.

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