The head of Galmudug state accuses politicians of inciting inter-clan fighting

The head of Galmudug regional state, Ahmed Abdi Kareh “Goor Gore,” accused politicians of inciting inter-clan fighting.

The head of Galmudug state accuses politicians of inciting inter-clan fighting

 The head of Galmudug Regional State, Ahmed Abdi Kareh “Qoor qoor” accused politicians of inciting fighting between clans from Puntland and Galmudug states. President Gor Gor stated that individuals with political ambitions are exacerbating the conflict between sister clans, noting that these are more harmful than the problem of the Al-Shabaab movement within society.

The state president welcomed the ceasefire efforts made by religious scholars and committees from the Galmudug and Puntland administrations, who traveled to conflict areas to separate the warring militias and organize a peace conference.

Fighting due to a dispute over land ownership between clans last week led to the death of dozens and the injury of others in areas in the Mudug region, and the neighboring administrations of Galmudug and Puntland are making efforts to stop the conflict and reach a settlement of the differences.

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