A delegation from the United Nations holds discussions with the President of Galmudug State

A United Nations delegation headed by the Acting Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Somalia arrived in the city of Dusmarib.

A delegation from the United Nations holds discussions with the President of Galmudug State

 A United Nations delegation headed by the Acting Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Somalia, James Swan, arrived in the city of Dosmarib, the capital of Galmudug State in central Somalia.

The UN delegation held talks with the President of Galmudug State, Ahmed Abdi Kareh “Gor Gor”, and discussed with him the process of reviewing the constitution and the security and humanitarian challenges. Among the topics discussed were the tribal conflicts taking place in areas of the state and building and developing police capabilities through cooperative efforts in the joint police program.

Ambassador Swan affirmed the United Nations’ commitment to supporting Galmudug in its priorities related to state-building and peace, and thanked President Gor Gor and his government for their strong cooperation.

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