President Hassan Sheikh delivers a speech at the African Union summit in Addis Ababa

President Hassan Sheikh

 On Saturday, Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud delivered a speech at the 36th summit of the African Union in Addis Ababa, in which he addressed issues affecting his country, the continent and the world.

He expressed his optimism that Somalia would overcome the challenges facing it with hard work and real political commitment, and the President stated that his goals are clear: defeating terrorism, promoting comprehensive politics, developing the economy, and providing basic services to the Somali people.

Sheikh Mahmoud indicated that his government has already made great progress in its plan to fight Al-Shabaab militarily, economically and ideologically, and promised to intensify efforts in this direction until terrorism is eliminated in Somalia, the region and the African continent.

The President said: Promoting comprehensive politics is very important, especially in a continent as diverse as Africa, indicating that Somalia is committed to continuing dialogue and reconciliation as well as completing the constitutional review process, and promised to strengthen democracy in his country and the relationship with civil society to ensure that everyone has a real role.

He added that he adopted his electoral slogan, “A Somalia reconciled with itself and with the world,” to indicate how his government seeks to strengthen its relations with international friends and build new relationships with others to ensure Somalia’s participation in progress and prosperity in today’s world.

The President stated that he considers developing the relationship with the African Union and all member states a top priority for Somalia, noting that they are looking forward to a prosperous future guided by Agenda 2063.

He hinted that there are challenges that must be faced together, including combating terrorism, dealing with climate change, achieving economic growth, creating job opportunities and financing global development agendas such as those mentioned in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations.

"It is not possible to think and act in isolation in this interconnected world, where challenges and opportunities are affected by economic and political changes that affect us all," he said. In conclusion, the President reaffirmed his commitment to work with the African Union, Member States and all friends of Somalia to make his country, Africa and the world a safe, developed and prosperous place.

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