Scientists monitor a "dangerous phenomenon" that threatens soil and climate

dangerous phenomenon

 In a new study, published in Trends in Microbiology, researchers have identified a dangerous phenomenon caused by dehydration. They cause more than normal amounts of carbon dioxide to be released from the soil, which in turn affects climate change.

Microbes adapt

The lead author of the study, and microbial ecologist Dr. Stephen Allison, says in an interview with Sky News Arabia:

• The main findings are that soil microbes, such as bacteria and fungi, are highly adaptive, allowing them to tolerate drought.

• These microbes consume carbon in the soil and release it back into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide; Where it contributes to climate change.

• Normally, when soil carbon is consumed by microbes, new carbon is added as plants grow, but drought can slow plant growth more than microbes, disrupting the carbon cycle balance in the soil.

• Carbon loss increases the risk of soil erosion and reduces soil quality; Low carbon soils contain less water and nutrients.

• Over many years of drought, soils may deteriorate and lose their ability to produce crops. A severe drought may transform the fertile soil in some parts of the earth; to become more desert-like.


Speaking to Sky News Arabia, Alison points out a strange paradox that reflects the challenges that faced the research team, saying: “We are conducting a large scientific experiment in Southern California, in the United States, where we simulate drought conditions in grasslands and shrubs, including the soil under plants. ".

He adds: "Our experiment was severely damaged by a massive fire in 2020, then a wind storm in 2021, and ironically, the experiment we use to study the effects of climate change was damaged by extreme events, which are likely to have been exacerbated by climate change." .

What is the solution?

To counter this phenomenon and preserve the soil, Allison says:

• Farmers and land managers can reduce disturbances from tillage, pollution and livestock, helping soils maintain diverse microbiomes that help plants resist drought and may help synthesize soil carbon.

• It is noteworthy that the microbiome is the sum of microbes coexisting with humans or any of the other organisms, and in the case of plants, they live in the roots, which helps plants to find water and nutrients.

• If these microbes thrive, they can allow plants and soils to survive drought.

• In parallel, at the level of scientific research, we need to know which microbes benefit plants most in drought conditions, as they can fix carbon in the soil, and we also need to know how to promote their growth.

• This may help farmers and land managers develop better strategies to conserve soil carbon and reap all its benefits, despite severe drought.

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