Where did you live at the time of the dinosaurs?


 This question may seem strange or even reprehensible, but in any case it is difficult, and yet science was able to find an answer to it. The British newspaper "Daily Mail" reported that an interactive map shows how the locations of the continents have changed in the world during 750 million years to the present day.

The "Map of the Old World", which is based on a study by researchers in Northern Arizona, shows how the continents split and evolved. The study concluded that humans are only a "glimpse" in Earth's history.

And the "Daily Mail" said that Britain was not Britain when the dinosaurs were walking on the planet, but what was your home exactly at the time of Diplodocus and Stegosaurus, which are some of the dinosaurs?

During 750 million years, massive changes occurred in the shape of the continents, which were divided and reshaped again, while the oceans expanded before receding.

An interactive map on the website allows you to walk back and forth from the extinction of the dinosaurs to the appearance of the first hominins. The user can write its location (the city, for example) on the map, which will place it in tectonic plate models, which will allow users to see where the location of that city was hundreds of millions of years ago.

For example, you will see where France, Britain, the United States, Europe, Australia, Russia, India, China and others were at the time of the dinosaurs. This includes the early period from the Triassic period, that is, 240 million years ago, until the Jurassic period, that is, 170 million years ago, and then the Cretaceous period, which falls between 90-105 million years.

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