President Hassan Sheikh arrives in Cairo

President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud arrived in Cairo on Friday evening in response to an invitation from his Egyptian counterpart

President Hassan Sheikh arrives in Cairo

 President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud arrived in Cairo on Friday evening in response to an invitation from his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. According to the Somali Presidential Palace, the two presidents will discuss regional developments and common interests between Somalia and Egypt, giving priority to strengthening bilateral relations and cooperation.

Egypt is one of the countries that has consistently supported the unity and independence of the Federal Republic of Somalia, and opposed any actions that affect the sovereignty of Somalia.

The visit coincides with the continuing crisis between Somalia and Ethiopia due to the latter concluding a memorandum of understanding with the separatist administration of Somaliland regarding leasing a naval military base from Ethiopia, something that the Somali government considered a violation of its sovereignty and which was opposed by many countries and regional and international organizations.

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