The Somali president's advisor criticizes President Deni's absence from the constitution talks

The Somali president's advisor criticizes President Deni's absence from the constitution talks

The Somali president's advisor criticizes President Deni's absence from the constitution talks

 The Somali President's Advisor for Constitutional Affairs, Hussein Sheikh Mohamud, accused the Prime Minister of the Puntland Regional State Government, Said Abdullahi Deni, of absenting himself from the negotiating table because of his personal interests. Mohamud urged the regional state governments to trust the representatives they sent to represent them in the two houses of the Somali Federal Parliament.

The advisor stated in an interview with a local television station in Mogadishu that Puntland's representatives in the Federal Parliament voted in favor of the constitutional amendments, noting that President Deni wrote the names of 60 representatives representing his state with his own hand.

In March 2024, both houses of the Somali Parliament approved constitutional amendments that include freedom of expression, women’s representation, and the country’s system of government. However, the President of Puntland State, Said Abdullahi Deni, former presidents Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo and Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, and other politicians objected to Parliament making constitutional amendments.

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