Somalia and Japan are discussing expanding areas of cooperation

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation held a meeting on the sidelines of the ministerial meeting

Somalia and Japan are discussing expanding areas of cooperation

 On Saturday, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, His Excellency Ambassador Ahmed Moallem Faki Ahmed, held a meeting on the sidelines of the ministerial meeting of the Tokyo International Conference on African Development in Tokyo with his counterpart, Japanese Foreign Minister, Her Excellency Ms. Yoko Kamikawa, and discussed with her the deepening of bilateral relations and the expansion of areas of cooperation.

Minister Kamikawa expressed her strong desire to work closely with Somalia, especially as Somalia prepares to assume its role as a non-permanent member of the Security Council next year, and stressed Japan's commitment to sharing its expertise and cooperating in initiatives aimed at promoting peace and economic development in Somalia.

For his part, Minister Ahmed Faki expressed his deep appreciation for Japan and expected further strengthening of the partnership between the two countries, highlighting the importance of their long-term friendship and expressing optimism about joint efforts to confront the challenges.

Minister Faki indicated his aspiration for a strong and dynamic partnership with Japan, aimed at enhancing economic growth and enhancing bilateral cooperation while looking forward to cooperative initiatives that would enhance the common goals of both countries. The two ministers agreed to intensify efforts to strengthen Japanese-Somali relations in preparation for the ninth TICAD conference scheduled to be held next year.

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