Cabinet discusses ongoing constitutional reviews

Somalia's Deputy Prime Minister Saleh Ahmed Jama chaired a cabinet meeting to discuss ongoing reviews of the country's interim constitution.

Cabinet discusses ongoing constitutional reviews

 Somalia’s Deputy Prime Minister Saleh Ahmed Jama chaired a cabinet meeting to discuss the ongoing revisions to the country’s interim constitution, with a focus on chapters five and nine. Cabinet members asked questions and provided input on the chapters presented, stressing the need to finalize the constitution to ensure stability and clarity in governance.

The Independent Constitutional Review and Implementation Committee and the Parliamentary Committee on Constitutional Affairs briefed Cabinet on the progress of consultations on these chapters. The discussions highlighted recent engagements with various community groups to gather input on the proposed revisions.

Chapters 5 and 9 have been a focal point of recent deliberations, as the committee seeks to incorporate public and stakeholder feedback before submitting revised provisions to the Somali parliament. Once submitted, the provisions will undergo multiple readings before a final parliamentary vote.

Somalia’s bicameral federal parliament approved amendments to the first four chapters of the country’s interim constitution in March 2024. One key amendment gave the president the power to appoint and dismiss the prime minister, replacing the previous requirement that parliament approve the prime minister through a vote of confidence.

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