Mysterious cases of hepatitis in Britain... and experts are investigating


 Health experts have said the virus that causes the common cold may be behind a string of hepatitis cases that have infected dozens of children in the United Kingdom.

And the British newspaper "Daily Mail" reported that 74 children, all under the age of ten, had contracted hepatitis since last January, which health specialists in the country considered "mysterious."

The cases were distributed in England (49 cases), Scotland (13 cases), Wales and Northern Ireland (12 cases).

Experts at Britain's Health Security Agency are still searching for the cause of "mysterious cases of hepatitis".

The NHS believes that adenoviruses - a family of common viruses that cause mild colds, vomiting and diarrhea - may be behind these infections.

"There are other potential causes that are being investigated, such as COVID-19, other infections or environmental causes," she added.

"We are working with colleagues in case-affected areas to investigate - a wide range of potential factors - that may be behind the sudden rise in hepatitis cases," said Mira Chand, director of clinical and emerging infections at the Health Security Agency.

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