A Somali girl makes a fuss in Somalia after telling her story about Saeed Abdullah Deni

Said Deni

 The girl said, "We heard that Denny will run for president, and this is great news. We will not forget his development of education, thanks to which today I study at the most prestigious British university."

The girl's tweet

Saeed Dani has many advantages that make him the most suitable president to rule Somalia, a strong political figure, and he enjoys a high academic qualification "PhD in Public Administration".

 And his prominent and significant role in the face of the outgoing president's plans, "Mohamed Abdullah Farmajo" to impose dictatorship on the homeland again, and suppress freedoms.

He is also an opposition figure who shook the throne of "Farmago", and participated faithfully in saving the country and thwarting the attempt of "Farmago" to extend his mandate for two years in preparation for strengthening his pillars and clinging to power.

He also has a social personality with which he served the Somali people in the field of relief and development, especially in the field of education. He is credited with re-establishing the educational system in the Puntland region after the fall of the central regime headed by General Siad Barre in 1991.

He has the advantage of being a successful businessman and participating in the establishment and management of several companies and commercial organizations during the past three decades. He is described as one of the Somali personalities who played a major role in the prosperity of trade and entrepreneurship in Somalia in the past period.

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