President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud is working to get a better Somalia

President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud

 President Sheikh Mahmoud worked to contain the supporters as well as the opponents to create an internal consensus that would allow for a better future for Somalis so as not to cause discrimination as happened in the previous regime.

President Sheikh Mahmoud did not seek revenge against the opponents. Rather, his first visits were to the states opposing him to agree with them and reach solutions whose main goal is the interest of the Somali people

The first and most important goal of President Sheikh Mahmoud is to improve the economic and security situation of the Somali citizen so that the suffering of the Somali people does not continue much

The choice of Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Berri is a successful choice to continue solving the crises that Somalia is going through, such as drought, so that the Somali people can rest from the crises that have come after each other for some time.

Choosing the prime minister came to achieve several goals, including the completion of the constitution, the establishment of a transparent and fair judicial system, and a direct election law, as promised by the president in his election campaign.

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