Twitter provides Musk with raw data for daily tweets

Elon musk

 Twitter is planning to give Elon Musk access to the raw data of hundreds of millions of daily tweets, in an effort to push the acquisition of the American billionaire, who agreed to pay $ 44 billion to buy the social networking platform, according to multiple news reports.

The lawyers involved in the deal did not confirm the data-sharing agreement. Musk has not made any comments about Twitter, but has previously been outspoken about various aspects of the deal.

Twitter declined to confirm the reports, citing a statement on Monday in which the company said it continues to share information "collaboratively" with Musk.

Musk, who entered into a legally binding agreement to buy Twitter in April, stresses that the deal cannot go ahead unless the company provides more information about the spread of fake accounts on its platform.

He argues, without providing evidence, that Twitter has significantly reduced the number of automated accounts, which typically promote scams and misinformation, on its service.

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