Somali army's efforts to get rid of Al-Shabab

Somali army

 The killing of 18 members of Al-Shabaab by the Somali army, which is seeking in this period to eliminate the terrorist Al-Shabaab movement once and for all and expel them from Somalia until their tyranny and killing of the Somali people ends

The implementation of the Somali special forces known as “Denab” last night in the “Baq Aqbili” area in the Hiran region, and this was a planned operation targeting the main base of Al-Shabaab fighters in that area, and this is a great gain for Somalia because the more Al-Shabaab elements decrease, the greater the chance People live in luxury

During the operation, bases, offices and other places for Al-Shabaab militants were destroyed in the “Baq Aqbili” area, which is about 90 km south of the city of Baldwin, the center of Hiran province, and it is a very important place for Somalis, so the Al-Shabaab fighters had to be expelled from it

This area was a strategy for Al-Shabaab to organize the attacks and bombings that the Somali people were subjected to in Hiran, so we must stand by the army so that it can continue to expel terrorism from Somalia as soon as possible.

The Somali people demand cooperation with the army and its support to get rid of all elements of terrorism as soon as possible and thank the Somali president for his efforts and implementation of his promises to get rid of terrorism in Somalia

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