Egypt embraces space with new satellites.. and this is the expected plan

new satellites

 Egypt is engaged in a frantic race in all ways to confront climate change, the latest of which was the announcement by the Space Committee of the Egyptian Syndicate of Engineers about the new plan of the Egyptian state, to launch the first satellite specialized in monitoring climate changes within African countries, in conjunction with the establishment of the Climate Conference in Sharm El-Sheikh, in next November.

The Space Committee of the Syndicate of Engineers confirmed in a conference held on Saturday that it is keeping pace with the state’s efforts in the scientific and environmental sector, using the latest technology to reach comprehensive development in Egypt, and relying on research institutions and multi-tasking satellites that the country currently owns.

Climate control

For his part, Dr. Ahmed Farag, head of the Space Committee of the Syndicate of Engineers, revealed in an exclusive interview to “Sky News Arabia” the details of Egypt’s plan to launch a new satellite, working to monitor climate changes in Africa, from which a prototype simulation model will be displayed on the climate conference table in the city of Sharm El-Sheikh, with the aim of identifying its returns and setting a date for its launch.

Farag explained that: "The Egyptian Space Agency decided a short time ago to launch the African Development Satellite, which aims to monitor climate changes in Africa, such as desertification and an increase in emissions, with the support and funding of the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, so that African and European countries are fully prepared to face climatic conditions. expected.”

He continued, "The aim of the conference, which was held by the Space Committee of the Syndicate of Engineers, was to determine the role of satellites in monitoring climate changes or temperature differences, through the use of certain satellites with special sensors that provide details of climate change in the coming period."

space mission

Regarding the tasks of the new satellite in the face of climate change, the head of the Space Committee of the Syndicate of Engineers confirmed that they include:

Giving early warning of the fate of the target area to be determined in the future.

Wind speed measurement.

Determining the proportions of water and the size of the floods.

Farag pointed out that Egypt will launch another satellite in 2023, dedicated to measuring the proportion of plasma in the upper atmosphere, using specific sensors and high-quality thermal cameras, which arrives at Mars to perform several tasks, namely:

Measurement of infrared and violet rays.

Determine the percentage of water on Mars.

Ensure the possibility of life on the planet in the future.

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