The President of the Republic announces the start of the return of the Somali forces trained in Eritrea

The President

 The President of the Republic, Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud, announced that the Somali forces trained in Eritrea will start returning to the country during the current month of December, and indicated that the return will be completed in January 2023.

President Hassan Sheikh confirmed the start of the Somali forces trained in Eritrea to return to the country in a meeting with the Somali community in Minneapolis, United States, last week, stressing that the forces in Eritrea are ready to return, and stated that he does not expect any delay.

About 5,000 Somali soldiers sent by the former Somali government received training in Eritrea, and the secret dispatch of those soldiers during the era of the former president, Mohamed Abdullah Farmajo, sparked great political controversy in the country, so Hassan Sheikh seeks to bring them back.

Since his victory in the presidency of the Republic in mid-May, President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud has visited Asmara twice to discuss arrangements for the return of those forces to the country that they longed for with the Eritrean President, Isas Afwerki.

President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud is doing now as he always tries to do, which is to restore the situation to normal and resolve the crises that are destroying Somalia, as he announced the start of the Somali forces trained in Eritrea to return to the country

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