Monitoring a possible “dangerous” effect of the Pfizer vaccine against Corona

Pfizer vaccine

 Recently, an American health control system alerted that taking doses of the “Pfizer-BioNTech” vaccine against the Corona virus, may be linked to a stroke in a number of elderly people. This alert was issued by a common health oversight system known as “VAERS”, with the aim of reporting any side effects of “Covid 19” vaccines in the United States.

This regulatory system was established in partnership and cooperation between the Food and Drug Administration and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And the two American authorities said, Friday, that vaccination data revealed a potential problem in the issue of health safety, with regard to the “Pfizer BioNTech” vaccine, among people over the age of 65.

The source stated that these elderly people became more susceptible to ischemic stroke after taking the vaccine that protects against "Covid 19" disease. Those who took the vaccine increased their exposure to these strokes 21 days after vaccination, while an ischemic stroke occurs as a result of a blockage in the vessels that transport blood to the brain.

Since a database from other countries on Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine recipients did not reveal a similar effect, the two American bodies stressed the need for further investigation. Health officials described these reports of strokes as "limited", ruling out that they constitute an actual clinical risk.

Experts believe that monitoring these strokes in people who took the vaccine does not definitively mean that the vaccination caused them this serious health disorder.

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