A former Google official warns of the danger of artificial intelligence


 A former Google executive fears that "I, Robot" will become a reality if, one day, artificial intelligence decides that humans need control and must be eliminated. And the British "Express" website quoted Mohamed Jawdat, former chief business officer at Google's research and development company, Google X, as saying: "After the emergence of ChatGPT ... the only way we think is that artificial intelligence will eliminate We absolutely have to, but we don't think beyond that."

He added, "The danger is that AI can generate its own computer power and do the installations itself through automatic weapons." And he continued, "It is not excluded that it will create machines to kill because humans also make them ... that artificial intelligence may use them to dictate an agenda, such as the movie" I.Robot", which starred actor Will Smith.

He explained, "But this matter is still a bit far... We are in the middle now, and humanity will decide whether to give more power to those machines." 

The warning comes as the poll, conducted by Reuters/Ipsos and published on Wednesday, revealed that most Americans believe that the rapid growth of artificial intelligence technology may endanger the future of humanity. According to the poll, more than two-thirds of Americans are concerned about the negative repercussions of artificial intelligence, and 61 percent of them believe that it may threaten civilization.

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