The launch of the Egypt International Air and Space Exhibition


 The Egyptian Air Force announced the launch of the first edition of the Egypt International Air and Space Exhibition, which is scheduled to be held in May 2024 at El Alamein International Airport.

During his speech at a press conference, the Commander of the Egyptian Air Force, Lieutenant General Mahmoud Fouad Abdel-Gawad, stressed Egypt's aspiration to receive the most important pioneers in the fields of defense, military and air industries, space and aviation technology in the world, indicating that the exhibition aims to open new horizons of cooperation between Egypt and various countries of the world. In all fields and everything related to the manufacture of military, commercial and private aircraft and their equipment, in addition to space technology.

For his part, the Egyptian Minister of Civil Aviation, Mohamed Abbas Helmy, considered that the exhibition is a good opportunity to build bridges of cooperation and follow up on the latest developments in modern technologies in many fields, hoping that the first edition of the exhibition will reflect the quality and originality of Egypt, its ancient people and its valiant armed forces.

During his speech at the press conference to announce the launch of the first edition of the Egyptian International Air and Space Exhibition, Major General Ah Bakr Muhammad al-Bayoumi, Director of the Signal Department of the Egyptian Armed Forces, explained the importance of investing in the localization of space technology and expanding the possession of new orbital points in the development of the country and preserving Egypt's leading role in the region.

The CEO of the Egyptian Space Agency, Dr. Sherif Sedky, expressed his happiness at participating in the exhibition, as he will present a clear strategy for benefiting from space science and technology in support of various fields of development, adding that Egypt's possession of space technology is no longer a luxury, but has become a necessity in order to achieve the goals of the Egyptian state in development. sustainable.

For his part, Thomas Gaunt, CEO of AWE, the organizer of the exhibition, confirmed that the Egypt Air Show 2024 will be a huge gathering of major institutions working in the fields of defense, armament, space technology and aviation in the world, pointing out that the exhibition will witness a great turnout from regional and international institutions. To participate in its first session, noting that more than 250 local, regional and international companies and institutions are expected to participate.

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