Is ChatGPT better than Google? Poll answers "surprise"


 For nearly two decades, Google has dominated Internet searches, with more than 4 billion users and 8 billion searches per day. As a result, Google has become the most visited site on the Internet.

But it does not seem that this situation will continue, at least according to a new survey, which found that two-thirds of Internet users prefer sites suggested by the quick response bot "ChatGPT" more than sites suggested by "Google".


  • Survey respondents stated that ChatGPT's suggestions matched more with their questions than those offered by Google.
  • The results showed that 65 percent voted for ChatGPT, compared to 35 percent for Google.
  • For questions about local affairs, such as asking about a city or region, ChatGPT was more popular than Google.
  • The two digital platforms have shown vastly different results in the locations they suggest to the public.

The threat is imminent

  • The study was organized by UK-based digital marketing agency ClickPop.
  • The study relied on providing a free tool that contains a search bar, in which users type any service or product they want to search for.
  • After searching for such things as airfare, two lists of sites appear representing all of ChatGPT's and Google's list of suggestions.
  • Then, the participants are asked to click on a survey in which they choose which one is the best.
  • The agency's founder, David Richter, said the findings of the study show that the threat posed by ChatGPT and artificial intelligence to Google is very real, not just a prediction.
  • He added that he expects Google to make massive changes to the ranking of its search results, to confront the new competitor.

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