Somalia deals painful blows to Al-Shabaab movement


 The Somali authorities dealt painful blows to the terrorist Al-Shabaab movement, which left heavy losses in its ranks, and the Somali intelligence announced today that it had thwarted a terrorist bombing, and a few days ago the forces were able to thwart terrorist operations with four car bombs in the Hiran region.

And the Somali intelligence said on its account on the “X” platform (formerly Twitter) that “the driver of a booby-trapped car was liquidated in the Ailsha area in Mogadishu district, after information that led to his pursuit.”

It added that the terrorist tried to flee from the security forces, which led to him being shot and killed, noting that a booby-trapped car was seized, which was driven by the dead terrorist before it was detonated. In a related context, the Somali army carried out an air strike against the terrorist Al-Shabaab movement, in cooperation with international partners, in the Galhariri district of Galgaduud governorate, central Somalia.

Somali security sources said that the operation resulted in the destruction of 3 sensitive headquarters of the terrorist movement, which is a garage for preparing booby-trapped cars and 7 cars were destroyed inside, a warehouse for weapons and ammunition, and a warehouse for medicines and medical equipment to treat the injured of the terrorist organization.

Galhreri is considered one of the strategic military targets for the upcoming operations against the organization in central Somalia. Military officials said that the operation was part of a strategy to hit the logistical and transportation capabilities in areas of stronghold of the organization before the official launch of the second phase of the offensive.

The successive strikes prompted the terrorist movement to try to prove that it is still able to strike against the army and the police, as the movement carried out separate explosions, the first explosion killing 8 people, including 5 soldiers, and was caused by a roadside mine that targeted a military vehicle belonging to the security forces in Dar neighborhood. Peace in Yakhshid district, north of the capital, Mogadishu.

And the second explosion, killing 5 people and wounding 4 others, in an explosion in the Jalkasi district of Hiran governorate, central Somalia. While a suicide bomber wearing an explosive belt blew himself up in a popular restaurant near a police station, where the directorate's commissioner, Noor Tiri, was present, who was not injured in the accident.

Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud chaired a security meeting in the city of Tusmarib, the capital of Galmudug state, to mobilize the fight against the terrorist Al-Shabaab movement, pledging to eliminate the terrorist organization as soon as possible.

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