Harsh defeats chasing Al-Shabaab movement and the restoration of two strategic cities

Somali army

 Today, the Somali government forces and their allied clan militias took control of the coastal city of Haratiri in the Mudug region of Galmudug state. Multiple sources confirmed that government forces and local militias took control of the strategic city without much resistance from Al-Shabaab fighters.

And the military victories of the Somali army continued on several axes, which bloodied the Al-Shabaab movement, and undermined its attempts to regain major cities, in which it suffered recent setbacks. 

According to the Somali News Agency, today, Monday, the army forces, in cooperation with the local forces, were able to liberate the Jil'ad district in the Galgaduud governorate, in central Somalia, in news confirmed by the Somali Defense Minister Abdul Qadir Muhammad Nur.

The Minister of Defense added that the National Army forces are currently conducting military operations in the city in order to enhance security and stability. Today, Monday, the Somali army announced the liberation of the Haratiri district in the Mudug governorate in central Somalia, according to Somali Defense Minister Abdul Qadir Muhammad Nur, the restoration of the city.

Al-Shabaab militants withdrew from the district, which they took control of in 2012 without a fight, and headed to some of its villages, while government forces entered the city in cooperation with local forces.

Haratiri is the second city liberated by the army today, Monday, in the state of Galmudug, and it has a strategic dimension, represented in the fact that its control reflects the decline of the youth movement in the areas of Galmudug.

On the other hand, the Somali army was on a date with a new “victory” that it achieved in cooperation with the African peacekeeping forces “Atmis”, by liquidating 23 members of the Al-Shabaab movement, in the “Dano” area of ​​the Lower Shabelle governorate, 100 km south of the capital, Mogadishu.

The commander of the Somali army, Brigadier General Adwa Yusuf Raghi, confirmed in a statement to the Somali News Agency that 23 members of the “Al-Shabaab” were killed in a military operation, which was carried out after the terrorist movement’s attempt to launch a surprise attack, which the army thwarted and inflicted “heavy losses.”

In the same context, the commander of the Somali army confirmed the death of one person and the wounding of 3 others in a terrorist bombing that occurred this morning in the Helgen region of Hiran province. This comes the day after the success of the Somali army on Sunday, in cooperation with the popular resistance, in regaining control of the Braj Sheikh Amer area of ​​Galgaduud governorate from the remnants of Al-Shabaab movement.

The Somali army continues an extensive campaign through which it aims to eliminate terrorism, and it managed to eliminate and overthrow a number of leaders of the Al-Shabaab movement, the last of which was on Sunday, by arresting the leader, Abdi Ali Jadid, while he was delivering military equipment to the militias.

The military operations carried out by the national army, in cooperation with the popular resistance, resulted in the liberation of many areas in the country's governorates from the remnants of the Kharijite militias. It should be noted that the Somali army, with the support of the local population, was able to seize vast areas in southern and central Somalia, especially in the states of Galmudug and Hirshabele.

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