The Somali Cabinet discusses the ongoing operations against Al-Shabaab

The Somali Cabinet discussed the ongoing military operations against Al-Shabaab in the country's regions.

The Somali Cabinet discusses the ongoing operations against Al-Shabaab

 At its weekly meeting on Thursday, the Somali Cabinet discussed the ongoing military operations against Al-Shabaab in the country’s regions. These initiatives aim to restore normal life and provide an enabling environment for the residents of these areas that have been liberated from the grip of Al-Shabaab.

During the council meeting, which was chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Saleh Jammeh, senior security leaders provided detailed briefings on the progress made in the campaign against terrorism, and Jammeh directed the council in a comprehensive review of current counter-terrorism operations.

The recent operations, which were at the forefront of discussions, targeted two strongholds of the Al-Shabaab movement in the “Gharbali” and “Jaar” regions in the “Galgadud” region in the center of the country, and the successful attack supported by international allies led to the destruction of weapons and vehicles used by the group.

The Somali government has been actively involved in reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts in areas recently liberated from Al-Shabaab control, by focusing on improving basic infrastructure, including schools and classrooms.

With the support of its partners, the Ministry of Education has played a critical role in increasing school enrollment rates in recently liberated areas, and the concerted efforts in education reflect the government’s commitment to rebuilding communities liberated from Al-Shabaab and creating opportunities for the younger generation.

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