“AstraZeneca” admits...the Corona vaccine causes fatal side effects

AstraZeneca admitted for the first time that its coronavirus vaccine could cause fatal side effects of blood clotting.

“AstraZeneca” admits...the Corona vaccine causes fatal side effects

 AstraZeneca admitted for the first time that its coronavirus vaccine could cause fatal side effects of blood clotting. According to what the British newspaper “Daily Mail” reported, “AstraZeneca” is facing a multi-million pound class action lawsuit by dozens of families who claim that they, or their loved ones, were mutilated or killed because of its “defective” vaccine.

Their lawyers believe that some of the claims could reach 20 million pounds in compensation. Cambridge-based AstraZeneca, which is contesting these allegations, admitted in a legal document submitted to the Supreme Court last February that its vaccine “can, in very rare cases, cause TTS.”

This condition was described by AstraZeneca as a “possible side effect.” This is the first time that the British company has admitted in court that its vaccine can cause this condition. Taxpayers will bear the bill for any potential settlement due to the compensation deal that AstraZeneca concluded with the government during the darkest days of Covid-19, to produce vaccines as quickly as possible.

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