The new Prime Minister has officially assumed his duties

Hamza Abdi and Hassan Sheikh

 The new Somali Prime Minister, Hamza Abdi Barre, today officially assumed his duties from Mohamed Hussein Roble, and the handover ceremony was attended by the heads of the two chambers of the Federal Parliament and members of the Council of Ministers and Parliament.

Last Saturday, the Somali parliament approved Prime Minister Hamza Abdi, who was appointed by Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud on June 16, taking over the position from former Prime Minister Roble.

Prime Minister Berri said that he will form a government that works to enhance security, tackle drought, complete the constitution, achieve political stability and reconciliation, so that work can begin quickly because Somalia's crises are hurting the people.

The new prime minister will select ministers with the same political orientations as he and President Sheikh Mahmoud to bring out a harmonious government that works for the benefit of the Somali people and to get rid of Somalia's crises

And the results of the examination appeared, and there is joy from the people as a result of the negative Corona examination of President Sheikh Mahmoud and his return to expedite the formation of the new government to serve the Somali people.

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