Twitter sues Musk to complete the acquisition for the agreed value

Elon Musk

 Twitter asked a Delaware court to order the world's richest person to complete the acquisition for the agreed-upon consideration of $54.20 a share of Twitter, according to the lawsuit.

"Having proposed a takeover agreement...and then signed it, Musk apparently believes that, unlike all other parties subject to Delaware Contracts Act, he is free to change his mind, disrupt the company's operations and destroy the value of its stock before going on his way," the lawsuit reads.

On Friday, Musk said he terminated the deal because Twitter violated the agreement by not responding to requests for information about fake accounts or spam on the platforms, which is essential to its business. The lawsuit accused Musk of committing a "long list" of takeover agreement violations that "cast a shadow over Twitter and its business."

Shares in the social media platform fell to $34.06 Tuesday from more than $50 when Twitter's board of directors accepted the deal in late April.

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