Results of the meeting of President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud in Kampala

Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud

 Today, Monday, Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud and his Ugandan counterpart Yoweri Museveni held bilateral talks on issues of common priority. According to a statement issued by the Somali presidency, the two presidents discussed regional stability and bilateral relations.

President Hassan Sheikh and President Museveni reviewed the joint military efforts of the Somali people and the government to eliminate terrorism, in addition to the challenges of development and stability at the level of the Horn of Africa.

The Somali President congratulated the people and government of Uganda on the 60th anniversary of the country's independence, which they celebrated yesterday, noting that the Somali government and people are grateful for the role of the Ugandan army in establishing peace and imposing security and stability in Somalia.

For his part, Museveni praised the Somali government for its effective achievements in the war against terrorism and the liberated areas, stressing his country's support for the operations launched by the Somali army against terrorism.

Museveni extended his thanks to Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud and his accompanying delegation who participated in the celebration of the 60th anniversary of his country's independence, and pointed out that Somalia was at the forefront of countries supporting the struggle for freedom in Uganda.

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