The UN Security Council decides to help Somalia for another year

The UN Security Council

 On Monday, the UN Security Council adopted a resolution extending the mandate and functions of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia for a period of one year, until October 31, 2023. Resolution 2657 was adopted by 14 votes to none, and China was the only member that abstained, according to the agency. China New News (Xinhua).

In his explanatory remarks after the vote, Dai Bing, Chargé d'Affairs at the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations, said that China supports the extension of the mandate of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia, but noted that in the draft resolution, issues such as protection of the civilians, humanitarian access and the protection of children.

"The future direction of the effort needs to be clarified," Day added. Somalia is facing one of the worst droughts it has seen in decades, according to the United Nations. In this regard, averting a looming famine has been a key priority for the Somali Federal Government and its humanitarian partners.

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