A new mechanism .. Twitter reveals "accounts blocked without the knowledge of their owners"


 The head of Twitter, the controversial American billionaire, Elon Musk, announced that a good mechanism will be implemented, enabling users to know if their accounts are being blocked and hidden, without their knowledge, and how they can deal with this situation.

And Elon Musk posted a tweet on his Twitter account, in which he said: "Twitter is working on updating the program that will show the real status of your account, so that you know clearly if you have been blocked, the reason for that and how you can appeal (ask for reconsideration)."

This new feature explains why some users' accounts are blocked, meaning that it is difficult to find a person's page in the search box, or that his posts are not visible to other Twitter users, and even followers. Musk did not explain how Twitter would implement this new feature.

This comes after a new case of controversy surrounded Twitter, in the wake of a recent report that said that Twitter had access to the data of users of more than 70,000 other websites. According to a report issued by the "Adalytics" website, which specializes in information security, among these sites that Twitter can obtain the data of its users are US government sites and others for health care companies.

Twitter obtains this data through its advertising tool called "pixel", where advertisers embed it on their sites to track, analyze and target users.

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