In preparation for "Cop 28".. "Education" announces the "Green Education" partnership in state schools

Cop 28

 The Ministry of Education announced the green education partnership road map in preparation for the country's hosting of the COP28 climate conference, during a press conference held by the ministry at its headquarters in Abu Dhabi.

The roadmap, revealed by the ministry, included announcing the launch of the green education partnership in the country, which is a major initiative aimed at enhancing the role of education in achieving the goals of sustainable development and incorporating the climate agenda into the educational system in the country.

 Two cooperation agreements were announced with UNESCO and UNICEF with the aim of organizing programs and initiatives that spread climate awareness among youth, adolescents and children during the COP 28 summit. The ministry also revealed the opening of the first educational pavilion in the history of the conferences of the parties to the COP 28 conference.

For his part, the Minister of Education, Ahmed bin Abdullah Belhoul Al Falasi, stressed the importance of the Conference of the Parties (COP 28), which is being hosted by the country, as a basic station for developing plans and methodologies to activate the role of education in achieving the goals of sustainable development and supporting taking practical steps on climate change in preparation for hosting the COP28 conference. International partnerships and inter-cooperation in integrating the climate agenda within the educational system play a vital role in this regard.

He pointed out that the country was keen to make the green education partnership road map practical and applicable in other countries, in order to confront the issue of climate change.

He said: Based on its realization of the pivotal role of education in facing the repercussions of the climate crisis, the Ministry of Education is working on multiple axes to include climate issues within the educational system, through the development of environmentally friendly educational materials and curricula, in addition to training and qualifying teachers and educational officials, and establishing environmentally friendly schools. It is an engine for building sustainable green communities.

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