Human rights in the Emirates.. a road map towards more achievements

Shamma bint Suhail Al Mazrouei

 Despite achieving an abundance of achievements in the field of human rights, the UAE affirmed its determination to achieve more, and drew a road map to achieve this goal.

This came during a speech delivered by Shamma bint Suhail Al Mazrouei, UAE Minister of Community Development, on Monday, during the presentation of the UAE's fourth national report within the framework of the forty-third session of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva.

Not only did the Emirati minister review the great progress made by the UAE in the field of human rights at various levels, locally and internationally, and the efforts made by the concerned authorities in developing legislation and laws concerned with the protection of human rights, but rather she drew a road map to achieve more achievements.

Pledge, commitment and support

Al Mazrouei said, "The UAE considers its fourth national report to be a continuation of an action plan it started since the adoption of its third report in 2018, and it is determined to move forward to work on adding more to its record of achievements in the field of human rights and to contribute and interact positively with global practices in this regard."

An important undertaking that reflects the strong Emirati will to achieve leadership in the field of human rights in a sustainable manner. An important pledge made by the UAE, which achieves the same goal, which is its commitment to the Universal Periodic Review of Human Rights, which takes place every 4 years.

In this regard, the UAE Minister of Community Development said, "The UAE attaches great importance to the universal periodic review of human rights, which provides an opportunity for all member states of the United Nations to exchange views and experiences, and to choose best practices in order to promote, protect and advance human rights within the framework of dialogue." constructively interactive, as this mechanism is very helpful in assessing how we can continue to support our progress by strengthening human rights laws and practices, and I assure you that we will remain fully committed to this process.”

In this regard, Al Mazrouei said: "The UAE is keen to strengthen its cooperation with the various organs, mechanisms and committees of the United Nations concerned with human rights, and work to provide them with the necessary support to perform their tasks entrusted to them, by providing annual voluntary contributions and donations to support United Nations funds, including: For example, but not limited to the support of the Voluntary Fund for Financial and Technical Assistance for the Universal Periodic Review, and the Anti-Corruption and Human Rights Project.

In this regard, the UAE indicated that it had reviewed its fourth periodic report before the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women in June 2022, and it had also reviewed its report on the Convention against Torture before the competent committee in July 2022, and the country, represented by the Permanent Committee on Human Rights, is following up. People follow up on the implementation of the recommendations received from those committees.

She confirmed that, during the current year, she will deliver her periodic reports on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child to the relevant treaty committees.

Al Mazrouei announced, "The UAE intends to accede to the Optional Protocol on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict, annexed to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, in the near future."

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