Learn about satellite internet service

satellite internet service

 In the context of plans to improve the informational and digital reality, develop and expand the ranges of Internet services in Iraq and improve their quality and efficiency, Minister of Communications Hayam Al-Yasiri confirmed work to complete the procedures for Iraq's accession to the Digital Cooperation Organization.

In a statement issued by the ministry, he confirmed that "Al-Yasiri met, via video technology, the Secretary-General of the Digital Cooperation Organization, Dima Al-Yahya, and discussed with her completing the procedures related to Iraq's accession to the Digital Cooperation Organization and the services that the organization can provide to Iraq in the field of digitization."

Al-Yasiri emphasized that "Iraq seeks to be an active member of the organization, which is one of the specialized organizations concerned with advancing the reality of communications and informatics and transferring advanced expertise to the organizing countries, thus contributing to strengthening digital cooperation between these countries."

For her part, the Secretary-General of the Organization for Digital Cooperation expressed her "great welcome to Iraq's desire to join the organization," stressing that "the organization will support Iraq in its efforts for digital transformation, electronic governance, investments in the digital field, and benefit from international expertise and experience in this field."

In the framework of strengthening this trend and creating the appropriate environment, the Ministry of Communications is working on providing satellite internet service to achieve speed and effectiveness in the Iraqi internet networks, which, according to experts, suffer from slowness, weakness, and the fragility of their infrastructure.

Step importance

In an interview with Sky News Arabia, the Iraqi information expert Moa'mal Ahmed Shakir says:

This information orientation is very important, and in order to achieve this digital transformation, it is necessary to develop the general communications network, especially the Internet, by providing satellite communication service to the general public, after it was previously available on a very small scale due to strict security requirements and considerations, for fear of terrorist groups, for example, benefiting from this service.

But now Iraq is working to provide fast satellite Internet to all subscribers, by contracting with 3 leading international companies in this field, in order to improve the weak and dilapidated Internet reality in the country, without which it is not possible to talk about an information renaissance in Iraq without strengthening and developing it.

This service will save Iraq a lot of time, efforts, and money, since the rest of the options need to establish the necessary infrastructure, which takes a very long time. For example, the national optical Internet project was launched in 2018, but despite the passage of more than 5 years since its inception, it covers only very few areas of the country, and its completion rate is almost negligible.

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