The Somali Prime Minister invites Qatari businessmen to invest in his country

Somalia and Qatar

 The Prime Minister of Somalia, Hamza Abdi Barre, has recently invited Qatari businessmen to invest in his country. This invitation comes at a time when the Somali economy is in dire need of foreign investment to help stimulate growth and development. 

Barre believes that the Qatari business community can provide the necessary resources and expertise to help Somalia achieve its development goals. Barre has emphasized the importance of foreign investment in Somalia, citing the country’s strategic location and its potential for growth. 

He has also noted the potential for increased trade and investment opportunities between Somalia and Qatar, which could benefit both countries in the long run. The Prime Minister has highlighted the various investment opportunities available in Somalia, including the development of infrastructure, the establishment of businesses, and the development of the country’s energy sector. 

He has also noted the potential for increased cooperation between the two countries in terms of tourism, agriculture, and education. Barre has stated that the government of Somalia is committed to creating a conducive environment for foreign investors. 

He has noted that the government has taken steps to simplify the process of doing business in the country, including the introduction of a one-stop shop for all business registration needs. He has also noted that the government has put in place measures to ensure the safety and security of investors. 

The Prime Minister has also noted that the government of Somalia is committed to creating a level playing field for foreign investors, and that it is committed to creating an environment in which businesses can flourish. He has also noted that the government is working to improve the country’s legal and regulatory framework, and that it is committed to creating a business-friendly environment. 

Barre has also highlighted the potential for increased cooperation between Somalia and Qatar in terms of security and defense. He has stated that the government of Somalia is committed to working with Qatar to ensure the safety and security of both countries. 

The Prime Minister’s invitation to Qatari businessmen to invest in Somalia is a positive step towards the country’s economic development. It is hoped that this initiative will lead to increased foreign investment in Somalia, which will in turn help to stimulate economic growth and development. 

The Benefits of Investment in Somalia The invitation by the Prime Minister of Somalia to Qatari businessmen to invest in his country is an important step in the country’s economic development. Investment in Somalia can bring numerous benefits to both the country and the investors. 

First, investment in Somalia can help to create jobs and stimulate economic growth. This can help to reduce poverty and improve the standard of living in the country. 

Second, investment in Somalia can help to improve the country’s infrastructure. This can include the construction of roads, bridges, and other infrastructure projects, which can help to improve the country’s transportation network. 

Third, investment in Somalia can help to improve the country’s energy sector. This can include the development of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind energy, which can help to reduce the country’s reliance on fossil fuels. 

Fourth, investment in Somalia can help to improve the country’s educational system. This can include the construction of schools and universities, which can help to provide quality education to the country’s citizens. 

Finally, investment in Somalia can help to improve the country’s security. This can include the development of security forces, which can help to reduce the threat of terrorism and other criminal activities.


The invitation by the Prime Minister of Somalia to Qatari businessmen to invest in his country is an important step in the country’s economic development. Investment in Somalia can bring numerous benefits to both the country and the investors, including the creation of jobs, the improvement of infrastructure, the development of renewable energy sources, the improvement of the educational system, and the improvement of the country’s security. It is hoped that this initiative will lead to increased foreign investment in Somalia, which will in turn help to stimulate economic growth and development.

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