The Saudi Foreign Ministry announces the resumption of Sudanese talks today in Jeddah

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia welcomed the resumption of talks between representatives of the Sudanese Armed Forces and representatives of the Rapid Support Forces in Jeddah

The Saudi Foreign Ministry announces the resumption of Sudanese talks today in Jeddah

 The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia welcomed the resumption of talks between representatives of the Sudanese Armed Forces and representatives of the Rapid Support Forces in the city of Jeddah, facilitated by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States of America in partnership with a joint representative of both the African Union and the Intergovernmental Authority for Development (IGAD) on Thursday.

According to what was published by the Saudi News Agency “SPA”, the Kingdom urged the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces to resume what was agreed upon between them in the Jeddah Declaration “Commitment to Protect Civilians in Sudan” dated May 11, 2023 AD and in the short-term ceasefire agreement signed by both parties in the city. Jeddah on May 20, 2023 AD.

The Kingdom affirms its keenness on unity of ranks and the importance of giving precedence to wisdom and stopping the conflict to spare bloodshed and alleviate the suffering of the brotherly Sudanese people.

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