The UAE and Somalia sign an agreement regarding the water wells project

The United Arab Emirates and Somalia signed an agreement on drilling water wells to support the people of Somalia

The UAE and Somalia sign an agreement regarding the water wells project

 The United Arab Emirates and Somalia signed an agreement on drilling water wells to support the people of Somalia in the liberated areas. The agreement was signed by the UAE Ambassador to Somalia, His Excellency Ahmed Juma Al Rumaithi, and a Somali water well drilling company in the presence of His Excellency President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud, during his recent visit to the UAE.

The water wells project is part of the UAE’s initiatives to support areas in Somalia that have been liberated from the control of the extremist Al-Shabaab movement. The project aims to provide clean and safe water to the residents of these areas who have been suffering from water scarcity and drought for years.

The Somali President expressed his gratitude to the leadership of the United Arab Emirates and the UAE Ambassador to Somalia for their generous and continued support for the Somali people. He also praised the cooperation between the two governments. He instructed the Somalia Crisis and Natural Disaster Management Office to facilitate and provide supervision for the smooth implementation of the project.

The UAE Ambassador to Somalia said that the water wells project reflects the UAE’s commitment to standing alongside Somalia in its efforts to achieve stability, security and development.

The water wells project is expected to benefit more than 200,000 people in the liberated areas of Somalia, according to the Somalia Office for Crisis and Natural Disaster Management. The project will also contribute to improving environmental and health conditions in these areas, as well as enhancing livelihoods and the resilience of local communities.

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