President Hassan Sheikh chairs the Somalia Security Conference in New York

The President of the Republic of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh, chaired the Somalia Security Conference at the United Nations Headquarters

President Hassan Sheikh chairs the Somalia Security Conference in New York

 On Tuesday, the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud, chaired the Somalia Security Conference at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, where the importance of Somalia’s security to the region was highlighted.

In this meeting, which was organized and attended by 26 countries, the United Nations, the Arab League, the European Union and the African Union, the President presented the achievements of his government’s plans to rebuild the army and liberate areas under the control of terrorists, the importance of security cooperation at the continental and international levels, the withdrawal of AMISOM forces, and stability. politics in somalia.

The President said: “The current reduction in the number of AMISOM forces is evidence of the progress we have made in the plan to ensure a stable Somalia that has security services capable of fully assuming responsibility for securing the country.”

The President of the Republic thanked the member states of the United Nations Security Council that supported lifting the arms embargo on Somalia, and now support its debt relief and the building of its armed forces.

The President added: “I welcome the historic decision taken by the United Nations Security Council to lift the arms embargo imposed on Somalia. This is an important victory for Somalia, which shows the great progress that has been made in the process of managing the forces’ weapons and ammunition, as this decision allows us to fully equip the national forces.”

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