The head of the Somali Disaster Management Agency meets with officials from the United States Agency for International Development

The head of the Somali Disaster Management Agency meets with officials from the United States Agency for International Development

The head of the Somali Disaster Management Agency meets with officials from the United States Agency for International Development

 The head of the Somali Disaster Management Agency, Mr. Mohamud Maalim Abdullahi, met with officials from the United States Agency for International Development, led by the head of the agency’s office in Somalia, Sherry Nuwan Duncan Jones.

The two sides discussed the importance of preventing aid diversion, confronting disasters, achieving stability in areas liberated from Al-Shabaab, and issues related to recurring droughts.

Moallem thanked the United States Agency for International Development for the aid and development activities it carries out in the country, and for his part promised to enhance the implementation of the points discussed.

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