African concern about a Somali plan to deploy international forces in the country

The African Union expressed its concern about a new plan by the Somali government

African concern about a Somali plan to deploy international forces in the country

 The African Union expressed its concern about a new plan by the Somali government aimed at deploying international forces in Somalia after the completion of the withdrawal of soldiers from the African Union Transitional Mission in Somalia at the end of this year.

A statement issued by the Union indicated its concerns about the lack of funding for the African mission in Somalia and the rush to plan a new operation that may lead to a rollback of the gains achieved during the past 17 years in the war against Al-Shabaab.

The African Union said that it is evaluating the form and scope of these new forces, the details of which the Somali government has not yet provided, and which will be deployed in Somalia after the end of the African Union Mission in Somalia “ATMIS” operation, indicating that it will study the plan before seeking support from the UN Security Council.

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