The President of the Republic inspects training camps for the Somali army

The President of the Republic, Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud, inspected the “Dagabden”, “Turki Sum” and “General Daoud” camps.

The President of the Republic inspects training camps for the Somali army

 On Monday, the President of the Republic, Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud, inspected the “Dagabden”, “Turki Som” and “General Daoud” camps for training the Somali army, to encourage forces to head to the front lines of the war and others to receive training in Turkey.

In a speech to the forces, the President indicated that the Somali people and the Somali government have high hopes for them to complete the struggle and liberate the areas that are still under the control of terrorists.

The President also noted the successive successes achieved by the armed forces since the beginning of the war, noting that the government is working to eliminate terrorists and at the same time rebuild the national army. Finally, President Hassan Sheikh held a special meeting with senior army officers and shared with them the federal government's commitment to eliminating terrorists in the country.

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