The Somali President participates in the Unity Day event in Tanzania

The President and his accompanying delegation, who is on an official visit to Tanzania, participated in the occasion of the 60th anniversary of unity

 President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud and his accompanying delegation participated in an official visit to Tanzania on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of unity in that country. Unity Day in Tanzania represents a pivotal moment in the country's history as it commemorates the union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar on April 26, 1964, which led to the formation of the United Republic of Tanzania.

The union was the result of a shared history and common struggles in the economic, social and cultural spheres between the people of Tanganyika and Zanzibar. On this day, the leaders of the two countries, Maallem Julius Kambarage Nyerere and Sheikh Abeid Amani Karume, signed a treaty that would unite them into one sovereign republic.

The Somali President took the opportunity to congratulate his hosts on their achievements in maintaining unity and solidarity, stressing the importance of good relations between Somalia and Tanzania as a basis for enhancing diplomatic and economic cooperation.

The visit demonstrates the growing relations between Somalia and Tanzania, especially within the framework of the East African Community. The two countries expressed their commitment to strengthening bilateral relations, as Tanzania supports Somalia's sovereignty and territorial integrity. The celebration comes at a time when Tanzania is also dealing with current challenges, including the recent floods that have affected many parts of the country.

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